Data cleansing at a glance

In a world that is increasingly dominated by data and artificial intelligence (AI), the quality of your data is the decisive factor for success. Data that is untidy, duplicated or outdated can lead to incorrect analysis and ineffective decisions. Companies that want to survive in the AI age need to ensure that their data is accurate, complete and well-structured.

Why data cleansing is so important

  • 80% of data analysis consists of cleansing: According to recent studies, the vast majority of time spent on data projects is spent cleaning and preparing data.
  • Unclean data costs companies millions: A study by IBM found that bad data costs companies worldwide around 3.1 trillion US dollars a year.
  • AI needs clean data to work effectively: Without clean data, AI models cannot learn accurately or provide actionable insights.

Our services:

  • Duplicate removal: prevent redundant entries from corrupting your data.
  • Standardization: Uniform formats and structures to speed up analysis processes.
  • Completion: Missing information is added to provide a complete data view.
  • Updating: Outdated data is identified and replaced with up-to-date information.

Why us?

  • We have over 10 years of experience in cleansing and optimizing data sets for companies of all sizes.
  • We are an accredited data integration partner of HubSpot CRM and our tools and methods are always state of the art.
  • Customized implementation. No two data sets are the same - we offer customized approaches for your specific challenges.
1. audit 2.concept3.Cleansing4.Evaluation5. Integration

Data cleansing process at a glance

We offer comprehensive data cleansing that goes beyond just removing duplicates or correcting typos. Our team works with the latest technologies to optimize your database so that it forms the foundation for your future business decisions and AI projects.

Data audit

Data audit: inventory and analysis

  • In this first phase, we take a close look at your data. We analyze the quality and structure of the existing data and identify potential problems such as duplicates, inconsistencies and missing information.
  • Result: A detailed report that shows the status of your data and identifies the most important areas for optimization.

Concept: Individual cleansing strategy

  • Based on the audit, we develop a customized strategy for your data. We determine which cleansing methods should be used, which data should be retained or eliminated and how we can ensure a consistent data structure.
  • Result: A clearly defined roadmap for data cleansing, tailored to your business goals and the specific area of application of your data.
Data Cleansing

Data cleansing: precise cleansing and optimization

  • In this phase, we implement the measures defined in the concept. We remove duplicates, correct incorrect entries, add missing data and standardize formats. Our automated tools and manual checks ensure that the data meets the highest quality standards.
  • The result: a clean, well-structured and ready-to-use database.

Evaluation: quality check and validation

  • After the cleansing process, we carry out a thorough evaluation. Here we check the data for completeness, accuracy and consistency. In addition, we compare the state of the data before and after cleansing to make the improvement measurable.
  • The result: a report that documents the success of the data cleansing and provides detailed insights into the new data quality.


Integration into the growth process: data as a growth driver

  • In the final phase, we integrate the cleansed data into your existing systems and processes. This makes it possible to use the data directly in your growth processes - be it for targeted marketing campaigns, precise customer analyses or to support AI-based projects.
  • Result: Your cleansed data becomes the basis for well-founded business decisions and drives the growth of your company.

Have your data cleansed now and ensure success!

Click here to get in touch with us and update your data.

Use the full potential of your data and get ahead of the competition.

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  3. Appointment is booked. We look forward to talking to you!